
Liveyes Syrup


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  • It has a scientific formula that helps in relieving irritation from eyes.
  • It provides strong eye sight. It also removes inflammation from eyes.
  • It protect eyes from different diseases as well as prevent your eyes from different infections.
  • Live eyes is an 100% natursl multivitamin that enhances your eye health.

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Product Description

Live Eyes is very effective as it increases eye health. It has a scientific formula that helps in relieving irritation from eyes. It provides strong eye sight. It also removes inflammation from eyes. It protect eyes from different diseases as well as prevent your eyes from different infections. Live eyes is an 100% natursl multivitamin that enhances your eye health.

Live eyes keep your eyes younger for a longer time .It has some of following benifits

Sensitivity bright light or glare:
Vision in bright light and glare conditions usually decreases with time as you grow older. LiveEyes keeps them the vison clearer so that you can have a good sight.

Reduced vision in low light situations:
With the passage of time, you may face the problem of reduced vision in low light situations. Live eyes keep you away from this problem.

Color perception:

Color perception in many individuals is of great concern. Live eyes improve your colour perception with its scientifically proved formulae.

Occasional dry eye

Because our tear quality deteriorates with age that’s why live eyes keep your eyes moist so that you can have a hassle-free vision.

Diabetes Health
Live eyes support and protect eye health from bad effects of diabetes like diabetic neuropathy without impacting normal glucose levels.


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